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Will Vierdaagsefeesten 2021 take place?

Placeholder for 21 07 2020 Jungle By Night Valkhofx Doornroosje Vierdaagsefeesten Edwin Smits 14 fdf2c904f593098ea6b5e918a919f4fc21 07 2020 Jungle By Night Valkhofx Doornroosje Vierdaagsefeesten Edwin Smits 14 fdf2c904f593098ea6b5e918a919f4fc

Posted: 08 February 2021, 11:30 hour

Even though the Four Days March­es in 2021 will not be going ahead, there will be Vier­daagse­feesten in 2021! How­ev­er, because of the pan­dem­ic, we don’t know yet in which form the event can take place. There­fore, we pre­pare three dif­fer­ent scenario’s:

The different scenario's

Celebrate without Covid-19!

When the vaccination programme and /or quick tests will succeed and we don’t need to keep distance from each other anymore, we can party like we were used to! Even though it seems wishfull thinking, we will be prepared in case this scenario will be possible.

Celebrate while keeping your distance

This seems to be the most realistic scenario at this point. We are currently looking into it with our partners, to see how we can celebrate while keeping a meter and a half apart from each other. Vierdaagsefeesten will be downscaled and it is possible that we have to work with reservations and ticketing.

Celebrate another way

When it will not be possible to organize a small scaled event, we will find another way to celebrate with you all, for example indoors or online.

Placeholder for 21 07 2020 Power To The Pipo Otisx Brebl Vierdaagsefeesten2020 Jan Willem de Venster 7 8e2782a1ff41aa0d904630b000f8947d21 07 2020 Power To The Pipo Otisx Brebl Vierdaagsefeesten2020 Jan Willem de Venster 7 8e2782a1ff41aa0d904630b000f8947d
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