12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Frequently asked questions

About the Vierdaagsefeesten

When and what time do the Vierdaagsefeesten 2025 commence?

In 2025, the Vierdaagsefeesten will be held from 12 to 18 July!

In regular years, the outdoor stages start, depending on the location, between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. or between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The acts on the outdoor stages end on Saturday to Thursday at 12.30 am. On Friday this is at 1 a.m. After the acts on the outdoor stages, the terraces will remain open without music until 2 a.m.

At night, indoor programming continues in some entertainment venues, the opening hours are the same as the regular appointments throughout the year. This indoor programming is included in our programme.

Are the Vierdaagsefeesten free?

Yes! The Vierdaagsefeesten take place in the centre of Nijmegen in the public space and are freely accessible. But beware: some parts of the programme are not free or require a reservation. If applicable, this is indicated in the Vierdaagsefeesten 'programme'. This also applies to the subsequent night programme of the entertainment venues in Nijmegen.

Even though the Vierdaagsefeesten are free, the event however is expensive to organize. Obviously, the largest freely accessible event in the Netherlands does cost money. We earn a part of this money through the drinks that you buy at the bar! This income is used to pay artists, acts, equipment and décor, among other things. So if you make sure to buy a drink or two at the bar, we will take care of everything else 😉. Deal?

Are the Vierdaagsefeesten and the 4Daagse organized by the same organization?

No. The Vierdaagsefeesten are always organized by Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten, while the Internationale Vierdaagse Afstandsmarsen are organized by Stichting De 4Daagse. We do work together in many different areas, to make sure the week runs as smoothly as possible.

Zomerfeesten or Vierdaagsefeesten?

Starting from the first edition in 1970 our event was called the Zomerfeesten (Summer Festival). In 1998 we changed the name to Vierdaagsefeesten, to emphasise the link with the 4Daagse and the festival’s unique character. So our event hasn’t been called ‘the Zomerfeesten’ anymore for over twenty years!

How can I register as an artist at the Vierdaagsefeesten?

You can already register as an artist or orchestra for Vierdaagsefeesten 2024 here.

What are the house rules of the Vierdaagsefeesten?

1. It is not allowed to bring your own food and drinks. Thanks to the drinks you buy from us, we keep the Vierdaagsefeesten free.

2. When purchasing your first drink, you pay a one-off € 0.50 environmental contribution for the cup. With every subsequent order you only pay the consumer price if you return your used cup. The same cups are used throughout the city, recognizable by the Vierdaagsefeesten logo in the rim. So you can exchange your cup for a new one at an outdoor bar or terrace. It doesn't matter if the cup comes back to the bar folded or torn, as long as it's not covered in sand or other debris. Then the cup can no longer be recycled properly. Also return your last cup to the bar so that new cups can be made from it. A cup cannot be exchanged for money. You can take your cup home and redeem it (again) the next day. View the infographic.

3. Keep Nijmegen fresh and clean: hand in your cups at the bar, throw waste in the waste bins and use the toilets (public urination is fined with €160). Tip: buy a wristband! For example, you have free access to the toilets all week for 12 euros.

3. In addition to cans and glassware, it is also not permitted to bring fireworks, laughing gas, (fire) weapons and/​or other dangerous objects or substances.

4. In the context of security, you can be checked/searched. We may ask you for a valid proof of identity.

5. Image and sound recordings may be made during the Vierdaagsefeesten on which you can be seen, both in the context of public order and safety and for promotional purposes. Because you are at an event in a public space, you automatically give permission for this when you attend the Parties.

6. It is not allowed to promote events, charities, organizations or brands on the festival site or in the immediate vicinity, in any way whatsoever, unless with written permission from Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten.

7. Alcohol consumption under the age of 18 is not allowed. There is a zero-tolerance policy in the field of drugs, aggression, threats and drunkenness. Threatening and using violence, discriminatory remarks or gestures, offensive clothing, intimidating gatherings and sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

8. It is forbidden to climb on stages, in tents and in scaffolding of the festival or to cause other destruction.

9. Only park bicycles and other vehicles in the designated places.

10. Attending the event is entirely at your own risk.

11. Always follow the instructions of our employees.

Practical information

Where can I download the Vierdaagsefeesten app?

FOMO?! Missing out on your favorite performance is history, with the program and map always at hand and immediately informed of the latest Vierdaagsefeesten updates. Sounds like something you would want, right? You can download our app here (open the link on your phone).

What can I do with the app?

  • Select your favourite performances from over 1000 acts
  • Select your favourite locations from over 40 venues
  • View the complete programme per day or part of the day
  • View the programme by theme: we've collected the highlights for you here
  • Search the programme by name of artist or genre
  • View the timetable by day and time, compile a timetable with only your favourites and scroll quickly through the timetable by collapsing the stages of a venue
  • See on the map which stage you can find where and click through for more info about the stage
  • If it's busy, you'll see a live pressure gauge on the floor plan so you can easily find a quieter spot
  • Use the icons to find the toilets, bicycle racks, water points and anything else you may need
  • View the latest news, frequently asked questions and much more relevant info

Where do I get information during the Vierdaagsefeesten?

If you have downloaded our app, you will receive a push notification in the event of an emergency or heavy traffic. Moreover, you will automatically be kept up to date with the latest information. You can download the Vierdaagsefeesten app in the Google Play Store or the App store.

News and updates can also be followed on Facebook, Instagram and X.

During the Vierdaagsefeesten there will also be a number of illuminated signs throughout the city centre. Whenever important announcements or calamities occur these will be announced.

What is the best way to reach the city?

The Vierdaagsefeesten is the busiest time of the year in Nijmegen, as thousands of people make their way to our beautiful city. When visiting the city center, we therefore recommend traveling by bike, foot or to use public transport whenever possible.

For more information on the accessibility of the city during the Vierdaagsefeesten, click here.

Can I pay by card at the bars?

Yes, you can pay by card almost all locations. Some locations are pin-only.

Where can I find toilets?

You can easily find all toilets on our map. Click on the map on 'Praktisch' and then on 'Toiletten'.

Is the city accessible to wheelchairs?

Yes, the city is accessible to wheelchairs. No traffic is allowed in the inner city during the Vierdaagsefeesten, meaning that parts of the pavements and streets that will be specifically designated for wheelchairs can be kept obstacle-free.

Where can I file complaints during the Vierdaagsefeesten?

For questions, suggestions and complaints, you can go to the official website for the city of Nijmegen and download a form. You can also contact us at:

  • Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten 024-3233163 or [email protected]
    Business hours: Saturday-Friday between 08.30-17.00.
  • Gemeente Nijmegen (city of Nijmegen) 14024 or [email protected]
    Business hours: Saturday & Sunday between 12.00-01.00, Monday-Thursday between 08.30-01.00 and on Fridays between 09.00-01.30.

After 01.00 (and after 01.30 on Fridays) you can directly contact the local Police for emergencies at 0900-8844.

For questions, suggestions or complaints about the Internationale Vierdaagse Afstandsmarsen Nijmegen you can contact Stichting DE 4DAAGSE at [email protected] or you can contact the city of Nijmegen directly.

Where can I go to a disabled toilet?

This year the number of disabled toilets has tripled, you can find them on the map.

  • Station Perron
  • Ramblas
  • Bisschop Hamerstraat
  • Faberplein
  • Klein Mariënburg
  • LUX
  • Marikenstraat
  • Gruitberg
  • Mr Hermanstraat
  • Plein ’44
  • Scheidemakershof (Van Ouds)
  • Kronenburgpark
  • The Outdoor Club
  • Kelfkensbosgarage
  • Kelfkensbos (Credible)
  • Kelfkensbos (festival)
  • Matrixx at the Park
  • Valkhof
  • Voerweg Club voerweg
  • Kaaij
  • Matrixx live aan de Kade
  • Smaakmarkt
  • Veurlent

In addition, there are various catering establishments in Nijmegen that make their toilet available to visitors, which can be found at

What do we do about sexual harassment?

We support the campaign 'Ben je oké?' (are you okay)

With this campaign, unwanted sexual behaviour in nightlife is made debatable. An opinion survey by EenVandaag in collaboration with Festileaks (June 2018) shows that 48% of female festival visitors have experienced sexual harassment. Also 9% of the male festival visitors indicate to have had negative experiences with this kind of behaviour. We want to put a stop to this. People should be able to feel free, comfortable and safe at festivals. Because unwanted sexual behaviour is not okay, also not during the Vierdaagsefeesten.

Do you see someone being harassed and do you not trust the situation? Ask 'Are you okay?' and make the behaviour discussable. This way we take care of each other and of a nice environment for everyone.

Can i pump breast milk somewhere during the Vierdaagsefeesten?

This is possible at the wheelchair-accessible toilets. Check them here.

Are lockers available?

Yes, at Stadsgarderobe Nijmegen. During the Festivities, the lockers are open from 4:00 PM to 5:00 AM.

Address: Molenstraat 99

Is there a minimum age to visit Vierdaagsefeesten?

The Vierdaagsefeesten are for everyone and all ages. There is therefore no minimum age for visiting the Festivities. There is programming for all ages.

The legal drinking age is used and proof of identity may be requested at the bar.

Can I take photos during the Vierdaagsefeesten

For private use, you may take photos during the Vierdaagsefeesten. Do you plan to publish the photos? For this you need to request a press pass via [email protected].

Where can I leave my bicycle?

Are you coming to the Vierdaagsefeesten by bike? During the Vierdaagsefeesten, 10,000 extra bicycle parking facilities were added. You can easily find the bicycle parking facilities via our map on the website and in the app.

Do you work with a coin system?

No, we do not work with a coin system. During the Vierdaagsefeesten you can pay in cash or with card. Some locations are pin-only.

Are there water taps during the Vierdaagsefeesten?

Certainly! View our map and filter on 'watertappunten'. This way you can see at a glance where the water taps are located.

What should you do if you yourself, or if you see someone else, is being harassed?

If you think someone is being harassed, ask, "Are you okay?'' Speak to security or bar staff if you need help.

Are the Vierdaagsefeesten covered?

The Vierdaagsefeesten is largely an outdoor festival in the entire city center of Nijmegen. However, there are many shelters available at de Vierdaagsefeesten under which you can stand out of the sun or rain. So no reason to stay at home in the heat or rain! During de Vierdaagsefeesten, we post a daily weather update on our socials, so that you can come to the city prepared. On our map you will find lockers (limited in number) where you can leave your belongings. Or if you get cold in the evening, buy a nice Vierdaagsefeesten hoodie at our merchandise stand in the Burchtstraat!

Some concerts or lectures take place at indoor locations. This often requires a ticket or reservation. This is indicated with the specific program.

After the end of the programming (at 00:30 or on Friday at 01:00) you can continue partying in the various pubs and entertainment venues of Nijmegen.

Hoeveel kost het veerpondje tijdens de Vierdaagsefeesten?

Het veerpondje vaart dagelijks tussen de Kaaij en Stadseiland Stek. De hele dag door kun je ieder half uur voor vijf euro de oversteek per boot maken. Een ticket voor het veerpondje koop je op de pond.


Sustainability and Vierdaagsefeesten: How does that work?

We are working on sustainability in many areas. The energy is almost entirely locally generated green energy. In the few places where fixed power connections are insufficient, we work with batteries (charged with sustainable electricity) or bio-diesel generators.

We also have a number of circular toilet facilities and a circular cup system to reduce the amount of waste. All collected waste is separated for recycling. We also map out how much CO2 is on your plate using the Klimato tool. We also encourage and facilitate our visitors to come by bicycle or public transport.

We are affiliated with the Green Deal Circular Festivals and Plastic Pact. Read all about our sustainability initiatives and how you can help here!

For more information, take a look at our sustainability page.

Sustainability and fireworks, how do you reconcile that?

We have been working with less environmentally harmful fireworks for years. These ecological fireworks are limited in particulate matter and heavy metals. In addition, the CO2 emissions from the fireworks are fully compensated through a sustainability certificate from Trees for All.

But we prefer that compensation is not necessary and that we emit less CO2. That is why we will re-inventory for the 2025 edition whether there are alternatives to fireworks, such as drones or laser shows. If you, as a partner or sponsor, would like to make this possible with us, please contact us!

Drinking policy

Am I allowed to bring my own drinks to the Vierdaagsefeesten?

No, this is not allowed and checks are made at various locations on whether event-goers can bring their own drinks.

During this free event, everyone is welcome to come and party and enjoy live performances at special locations. But of course, the event is not completely free of charge. The drinks you buy at the bar are used to pay for artists, acts, stages and decor. You buy your drink at the bar, and we take care of the rest. Good deal, right?

Am I allowed to drink alcohol at the Vierdaagsefeesten, even if I am under 18 years old?

No, that is not allowed. The Vierdaagsefeesten applies the national drinking requirements and rules to the event, which means NIX18: you cannot drink alcohol, if you are not at least 18 years old.

Circular Cups

What exactly does the new cup system mean?

When you buy your first drink, you pay a one-time contribution of €0.50 as an environmental contribution for the cup. For each subsequent order, you only pay the consumption price when returning your used cup. The same cups will be used throughout the city, recognizable by the Vierdaagsefeesten logo in the border. You can exchange your cup for a new one at an outdoor bar or terrace.

We ask you to bring your last cup to the bar as well, so we can recycle them to new ones. Cups cannot be exchanged for money. You can take your cup home and exchange it the next day for a drink in a new, fresh cup. It does not matter if the cup is folded or torn, as long as it is not covered in sand or other dirt. When this is the case, it can no longer be recycled properly. View the infographic.

Some terraces use hard cups, this is also possible. There is no environmental contribution, the circular cup of the VierDaagseFeesten cannot be returned here.

Why is this cup system introduced?

In order to significantly reduce the ever-growing waste stream and meet our sustainability ambitions, we are now switching to one clear system for the entire city. In recent years we have done many small-scale pilots to collect more cups, but without great success.

With this we anticipate recent legislation, which will prohibit the use of disposable plastic cups without a circular system from January 2024. It is unique in the Netherlands and quite an achievement that we all use the same system with so many different entrepreneurs at such a large, open event!

Who is participating in this system?

During the Vierdaagsefeesten, all stages and terraces in the city will participate in this system. The 4Daagse also participates, which means that this cup will also be used at the Wedren and in Heumensoord. At the Wedren a token is used, unfortunately, this is only valid at the Wedren and not exchangeable in the city. There are several terraces that use re-usable hard cups, these cups remain on the terrace and are washed there for new use.

The circular cup at the Vierdaagsefeesten is made possible by, among others: Gemeente Nijmegen (city council), CircularPET, DAR, Paardekooper.

Lost & Found

I have lost my child, or have found a child that is lost. What do I do?

The first tip we give parents in regards to the possibility of being separated from their children at the event, is making sure your child is carrying your contact information at all times. You can for example write your mobile number on their arm, or create a make-shift necklace.

We have put the following procedure in place to help children who get lost be reunited with their parents:

  • First, check the area to make sure parents are not actually still nearby looking for their child. Also check if the kid is carrying any personal contact information.
  • If this is not the case, bring the child to the closest Red Cross point (see map). There you provide (if possible) the name of the child, the names of the parents, the location the child was found and the child’s appearance. The Red Cross staff will contact the designated registration office, and will find out if the child has been reported as missing.
  • If you are a parent who got separated from your child, you too should go to the nearest Red Cross point and report your child as missing. The registration office of the city of Nijmegen will find out if your child has been registered as found.
  • A child who is lost might go to the nearest staff member they can find, such as a bartender or a security guard. Make sure to check the closest establishments, as well as the nearest stage from the place you got separated.

I cannot find my bike, what do I do now?

First check the AFAC website to see if your bike was confiscated by them. You can also consult

If you think your bike got stolen, you should contact the police.

I have lost a item or found one, what do I do?

Check out when you have lost an item. If you cannot find your item on this website, you can register it as lost on there. Lost valuables that are turned in will be put up on the website the following day.

Do you think your item was stolen? Then please contact the police.

When you have found a valuable in Nijmegen, the best course of action is to register it on You can temporarily keep the item at home, where it is safe. If all goes according to plan, the person who lost the item will find the item online or will register it as missing.

Another possibility is dropping the item off at the Stadswinkel (City store) of Nijmegen (Mariënburg 30), which is open Monday through Friday, from 9.00-17.00.

Nijmegen: The city center

Will the weekly market on Saturdays and Mondays continue as usual?

Yes, the weekly market also takes place during Vierdaagsefeesten. On Saturdays and Mondays the weekly market is on the Grote Markt and Burchtstraat from 9:00 AM to approximately 5:00 PM. The weekly market at Kelfkensbos is from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There will be no market on Saturday, July 20, 2024 due to the phasing out of Vierdaagsefeesten.

Will the shops in the city center be open during the Vierdaagsefeesten?

Yes, the shops will be open daily, even on Sunday. The only day the shops will be closed is on Friday, due to the finish of the 4Days March. Visit to find the opening hours of your favorite shops.

General opening hours:

Sat 09.00 – 17.00
Sun 12.00 – 17.00
Mon 11.00 – 18.00
Tue 09.00 – 18.00
Wed 09.00 – 18.00
Thu 09.00 – 21.00
Fri 09.00 – 21.00 (some shops may be closed)

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