12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
Placeholder for 16 07 2018 Credible Jan Willem de Venster 116 07 2018 Credible Jan Willem de Venster 1

Privacy policy

This privacy policy is last updated on 22 June 2022. Our privacy policy may be updated without informing you about it, so please check this page regularly.

App Vier­daagse­feesten

The Vier­daagse­feesten app will ask for your per­mis­sion to use your loca­tion data. These loca­tion data will be used to deter­mine how busy it is at the fes­ti­val. These data will be held for a max­i­mum of 15 min­utes and are not traca­ble to indi­vid­ual per­sons. By grant­i­ng us per­mis­sion to use these data, you can help us to pro­vide an up to date heatmap on the map you find in the app. 

We can also send you push noti­fi­ca­tions for impor­tant updates and 15 min­utes pri­or to your favourite shows. You can always turn off these noti­fi­ca­tions. We do not store who is receiv­ing them, these date is not traca­ble to indi­vid­ual persons. 

Web­site Vier​daagse​feesten​.nl

The Vier­daagse­feesten foun­da­tion respects the pri­va­cy of our friends, con­trib­u­tors, (poten­tial) cus­tomers, rela­tions, employ­ees, appli­cants and all the vis­i­tors of our web­site. We take appro­pri­ate mea­sures to pre­vent mis­use, loss, unau­tor­izes access, unde­sir­able dis­clo­sure and unau­tho­rizes mod­i­fi­ca­tion of these records. The Vier­daagse­feesten foun­da­tion will always obide the applic­a­ble law and reg­u­la­tions, includ­ing the Algemene Veror­den­ing Gegevens­bescherming’. This entails that we will in any case:

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