Diversity, innovation and sustainability. These are the three most important criteria we use to select organisers to participate in the Vierdaagsefeesten.
ThereÂfore, not all those who request a booth autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly get one, as there is limÂitÂed space availÂable. OrganÂisÂers from preÂviÂous years moreÂover often return to the event. Those in the busiÂness of for instance localÂly sourced, bioÂlogÂiÂcal or Fair Trade prodÂucts perÂfectÂly match our misÂsion for susÂtainÂabilÂiÂty, and thereÂfore get priÂorÂiÂtized in placement.
The same sitÂuÂaÂtion applies to the proÂgram of the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten: many organÂisÂers return annuÂalÂly to the event, which means that there are limÂitÂed spaces availÂable. When a spot does open up, we do our very best to search for organÂisÂers who bring someÂthing new to the table, fillÂing a posÂsiÂble gap in the proÂgram. We do this to ensure a good balÂance exists withÂin the proÂgram, which then can appeal to a mulÂtiÂtude of audiences.
New organÂisÂers
Have you nevÂer parÂticÂiÂpatÂed in the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten before, but are you interÂestÂed and conÂvinced that your conÂcept matchÂes our misÂsion? Then regÂisÂter yourÂself to our backÂup-list. We use this list to select suitÂable canÂdiÂdates when a new spot opens up in the program.
PreÂviÂous participants
Are you an organÂisÂer who has parÂticÂiÂpatÂed in the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten before? Then you will autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly receive the annuÂal digÂiÂtal regÂisÂtraÂtion form for the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten someÂwhere the in the secÂond half of JanÂuÂary. We will send this form to the e‑mail address that you proÂvidÂed to us the year before. If your conÂtact inforÂmaÂtion has changed, please let us know by sendÂing an e‑mail to info@​vierdaagsefeesten.​nl.
MusiÂcians / Artists
Due to the large numÂber of requests we receive from musiÂcians / artists to perÂform at the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten, we kindÂly request that regÂisÂter yourÂself using the form below. Once you have comÂpletÂed the form, your conÂtact inforÂmaÂtion will be forÂwardÂed to a numÂber of difÂferÂent proÂgram directors.
If a proÂgram direcÂtor is interÂestÂed, they will conÂtact you personally.
InforÂmaÂtion specifÂiÂcalÂly for organÂisÂers — Orange booklet
We have creÂatÂed a digÂiÂtal bookÂlet (known as ​‘the orange bookÂlet’) with a list of inforÂmaÂtion specifÂiÂcalÂly comÂprised for organÂisÂers parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten. In this bookÂlet you can find inforÂmaÂtion on genÂerÂal terms and conÂdiÂtions, requireÂments for food and non-food placeÂments, outÂside sitÂting and enterÂtainÂment areas. OthÂer inforÂmaÂtion in this bookÂlet that might be useÂful are instrucÂtions on for instance parkÂing, noise vioÂlaÂtions, crowd conÂtrol, the phasÂes of buildÂing up and breakÂing down and the colÂlecÂtion of garbage.
You can downÂload the orange bookÂlet right here (PDF; in Dutch).