12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
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Diversity, innovation and sustainability. These are the three most important criteria we use to select organisers to participate in the Vierdaagsefeesten.

There­fore, not all those who request a booth auto­mat­i­cal­ly get one, as there is lim­it­ed space avail­able. Organ­is­ers from pre­vi­ous years more­over often return to the event. Those in the busi­ness of for instance local­ly sourced, bio­log­i­cal or Fair Trade prod­ucts per­fect­ly match our mis­sion for sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and there­fore get pri­or­i­tized in placement.

The same sit­u­a­tion applies to the pro­gram of the Vier­daagse­feesten: many organ­is­ers return annu­al­ly to the event, which means that there are lim­it­ed spaces avail­able. When a spot does open up, we do our very best to search for organ­is­ers who bring some­thing new to the table, fill­ing a pos­si­ble gap in the pro­gram. We do this to ensure a good bal­ance exists with­in the pro­gram, which then can appeal to a mul­ti­tude of audiences.

New organ­is­ers

Have you nev­er par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Vier­daagse­feesten before, but are you inter­est­ed and con­vinced that your con­cept match­es our mis­sion? Then reg­is­ter your­self to our back­up-list. We use this list to select suit­able can­di­dates when a new spot opens up in the program.

Pre­vi­ous participants

Are you an organ­is­er who has par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Vier­daagse­feesten before? Then you will auto­mat­i­cal­ly receive the annu­al dig­i­tal reg­is­tra­tion form for the Vier­daagse­feesten some­where the in the sec­ond half of Jan­u­ary. We will send this form to the e‑mail address that you pro­vid­ed to us the year before. If your con­tact infor­ma­tion has changed, please let us know by send­ing an e‑mail to info@​vierdaagsefeesten.​nl.

Musi­cians / Artists

Due to the large num­ber of requests we receive from musi­cians / artists to per­form at the Vier­daagse­feesten, we kind­ly request that reg­is­ter your­self using the form below. Once you have com­plet­ed the form, your con­tact infor­ma­tion will be for­ward­ed to a num­ber of dif­fer­ent pro­gram directors.

If a pro­gram direc­tor is inter­est­ed, they will con­tact you personally.

Infor­ma­tion specif­i­cal­ly for organ­is­ers — Orange booklet

We have cre­at­ed a dig­i­tal book­let (known as ​‘the orange book­let’) with a list of infor­ma­tion specif­i­cal­ly com­prised for organ­is­ers par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Vier­daagse­feesten. In this book­let you can find infor­ma­tion on gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions, require­ments for food and non-food place­ments, out­side sit­ting and enter­tain­ment areas. Oth­er infor­ma­tion in this book­let that might be use­ful are instruc­tions on for instance park­ing, noise vio­la­tions, crowd con­trol, the phas­es of build­ing up and break­ing down and the col­lec­tion of garbage.

You can down­load the orange book­let right here (PDF; in Dutch).

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