12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

New names announced for Vierdaagsefeesten 2024!

Placeholder for 16 07 2023 Vierdaagsefeesten Kelfkensbos Festival Jan Willem de Venster 8 kopie16 07 2023 Vierdaagsefeesten Kelfkensbos Festival Jan Willem de Venster 8 kopie

Posted: 18 April 2024, 09:13 hour

Dur­ing Vier­daagse­feesten there is access to 1000 per­for­mances on more than 40 stages, for young and old with the widest con­ceiv­able pro­gram­ming. The new names vary from: Cavo­lo Nero, Dis­co Dad­dies, Dop­pel­gang, Kaboutert­je Put­lucht, Lee Tow­ers, Mar­ti­jn Fis­ch­er Zingt Hits van Hazes, The Vices and Wilbert Pig­mans. Just like last year, Vier­daagse­feesten offers a space for musi­cal tal­ent and loved dance con­cepts. In addi­tion, there is a var­ied pro­gram avail­able dur­ing the day, includ­ing chil­dren’s activ­i­ties, street the­ater, inspir­ing lec­tures and workshops.

Over 90 new artist

In March, the first 90+ names were announced for Vier­daagse­feesten. Now we are adding more than 90 new names to the pro­gram:

Stad­sei­land Stek
presents the fol­low­ing names: 40UP, Beach Club Freya, Cavo­lo Nero, Jack Shore, Kraak & Smaak , Ozo, The Set, The Vices, Uit Je Stekker and YĪNYĪN. There is also a chil­dren’s pro­gram: Kiki and Koko and Suzy’s Rain­bow Dreams.
This edi­tion, Kelfkens­bos Fes­ti­val is orga­niz­ing the Nijmeegse Vier­daagse Mar­ket for the first time, a place where vis­i­tors pre­pare them­selves dur­ing the day for anoth­er evening full of par­ty. You also can vis­it pro­grams such as: Kilo Kilo Vin­tage, Van Es’ Arcade Par­adise and dance all night long at: Back­yard, House of Heels and Speel­tu­in.
At Smaak­markt you will go crazy dur­ing: Boeket, Dave Nunes, Dop­pel­gang, Jiwa Jiwe, Kaboutert­je Put­lucht, Kim Jose­fine, Seri­ous Boaters and Vin­tage Vinyl. For the lit­tle chil­dren there is Pop­penkast aan de Waal.
also has in-cred­i­ble new names: Boo­gie Nights, BRI­AN, Com­ing Proud! Gimme Gimme Gimme, Pim Pam Pom­pen, Sat­is­fexy and Sweaty Dis­co.
At Faber­plein you can dance to the fol­low­ing hits: John­ny Smokes, Lee Tow­ers, Leg­ends, Mar­ti­jn Fis­ch­er Zingt Hits van Hazes, Staal met Glazen and The Night Flight.
At Grote Markt you will find: Dis­co Dad­dies, Groove Depart­ment, Low Hang­ing Fruit, Queen For­ev­er and The Juke­box All­stars.
At Her­tog­plein you can sing along with these artists: Back to Water­loo, DJ Bar­ry Paf, DJ Jac­co Sil­ver, Housuh in de Pauzuh, Main­street and Wilbert Pig­mans.
At Van Ouds you can dance to: Attac­ca, De Gang Van Zak­en, Funk­tie Elders, Hit­jes­dag DJ-Team, Imis­hango & The Unstop­pable Force, Joost & Sander Live, Low Hangin Fruit ft. Sher, Motha Earth & Thun­der, Pink Music Bin­go, The Dri­ve — A Trib­ute To 40 Years Of Great Rock, Urban Jun­gle — Rolling Stones Trib­ute and Vin­tage Black.
At Stevenskerk you can vis­it: Lit­er­ary Ser­mons on Sun­day: Özcan Aky­ol.
At Valkhof Fes­ti­val the red car­pet is rolled out for the fol­low­ing acts: Brass Riot, CLAMM, COL­LIGNON, Def Mama Def, El Khat, Gut Health, House­painters, Julia Sabeté, Keenan Mun­dane, Louis D’Or, Luna Maki, Maria Iscar­i­ot, QWAN­QWA , Rean­ny, Sham­zon, Slope, Smudged, Talk Show, Ustaad Noor Bakhsh, Wodan Boys, YARD, yunė pinku and Yung Dada.
At World Street Kitchen you can enjoy hits by: DJ El Bachatero, DJ Latin Pro, DJ Lee, DJ Micheal, DJ Radan and DJ Ronald.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, 90+ artists were announced, includ­ing: Baby Blue, Ben­ny Rodrigues, Fresku, Frans Bauer, Gold­ki­mono, Mar­co Schuit­mak­er and Paul Elstak.

No more choice stress? The pro­gram and map always at hand and imme­di­ate­ly informed of the lat­est updates? Down­load the updat­ed Vier­daagse­feesten app or check Vier­daagse­feesten at the web­site www​.vier​daagse​feesten​.nl.

We look forward to welcoming you during the most beautiful parties of the year from July 13 to 19!
  • Placeholder for 15 07 2023 Stadseiland Stek Marcel Krijgsman 115 07 2023 Stadseiland Stek Marcel Krijgsman 1
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  • Placeholder for 15 07 2023 Smaakmarkt Edwin Smits 115 07 2023 Smaakmarkt Edwin Smits 1
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