12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

First 90 names for the 2024 edition announced!

Placeholder for 15 07 2023 Stadseiland Stek Edwin Smits Rechtenvrij15 07 2023 Stadseiland Stek Edwin Smits Rechtenvrij

Posted: 14 March 2024, 10:50 hour

A warmer breeze is blow­ing, the trees are show­ing green and the pro­gram­mers of the stages at the Vier­daagse­feesten have booked the first names: the first signs of sum­mer are a fact. Well-known but also emerg­ing artists will find their way to Nijmegen this sum­mer. A selec­tion of well-known names already booked are Ben­ny Rodrigues, Dig­gy Dex, Frans Bauer, Fresku, Gold­ki­mono, Mar­co Schuit­mak­er, Paul Elstak, Rad­i­cal Redemp­tion and Wies.

Nijmegen is prepar­ing for the 53rd edi­tion of the Vier­daagse­feesten, which will take place this sum­mer from 13 to 19 July. Every year, more than a mil­lion peo­ple find their way to the city cen­ter of Nijmegen, where the city is ded­i­cat­ed to sev­en days of par­ties, sol­i­dar­i­ty, com­pa­ny and fun, and where more than 1,000 artists per­form on more than 40 stages. This makes the Vier­daagse­feesten the largest event in the Nether­lands with free admis­sion, except for two locations.

90 artists on 17 stages

Today the first 90 artists will be announced who will per­form on 17 dif­fer­ent stages this sum­mer. The stages are orga­nized by main­ly local entre­pre­neurs from the cater­ing and events indus­try, which means that there is a wide and diverse range of music and pro­duc­tion styles at the Vier­daagse­feesten. Dur­ing the largest event in the Nether­lands, more than 40 stages with a broad and diverse pro­gram­ming enrich the heart of Nijmegen. More than a mil­lion peo­ple gath­er over sev­en days to enjoy an eclec­tic mix of music, rang­ing from today’s best-known hits to beloved clas­sics, and from emerg­ing bands to singer-song­writ­ers. In addi­tion, dance, dis­co and house DJs will make the audi­ence dance, while music from all cor­ners of the world enrich­es the atmos­phere. Dur­ing the day, vis­i­tors can enjoy var­i­ous chil­dren’s pro­grams, street the­ater, lec­tures and work­shops.

The first 90 artists booked will play on stages that range from elec­tron­ic music to Dutch sing-alongs and from rock and met­al to well-known top 40 music. Read along with the 17 stages in alpha­bet­i­cal order:

  1. At De Kaaij we pro­vide relaxed relax­ation and active danc­ing, and every­thing in between, with A Mur­der in Mis­sisipi, Balka­no­va Orches­tra, Boomshakalak Soundsys­tem, Clyde and the Mill­tail­ers, Gee­nius Col­lec­tive, Light­nin’ Luke, Lörk, Miss Mary­Lane, Rolling Beat Machine, Skip­pabeat, The Hap­py Sus­pend­ed and Vin­tage Black.
  2. On the Faber­plein you can sing along with A*Fever: The Ulti­mate Abba Trib­ute, Baby Blue and of course the Nijmegen Ron­nie Ruysdeal.
  3. At Groots in the Grotes­traat, Frag­ment, Keessie B, No Bananas, Sher and The Paul Epic Band ensure a pleas­ant atmos­phere and singing along at the top of your lungs.
  4. Enjoy the annu­al Achtung, Frag­ment, Het Gevel­con­cert, Lijn 7 and Roy & the Rod­jers on the Grote Markt.
  5. Ben­nie Solo, DJ Den­nis Ver­heugd, DJ René Verk­erk, The B Machine and Wir Sind SPITZE will be on the Her­tog­plein! vis­i­tors can sing and dance along from ear­ly in the after­noon until the last min­utes of the evening.
  6. At Kelfkens­bos Fes­ti­val you can be sure that you will no longer stand still with 90’s NOW, Fies­ta Macum­ba and Unit­ed Col­ors of KissKiss.
  7. The audi­ence on Kon­ingsplein knows its clas­sics and will undoubt­ed­ly be heard, with Jack­fire, Straat­waarde, The Euros and The Originals.
  8. The audi­ence is guar­an­teed to go wild with Fred­dy Mor­eira, Paul Elstak, Rad­i­cal Redemp­tion and Sam Hof­man at Matrixx at the Park.
  9. At Matrixx Live aan de Kade you can sing along with the founders of par­ty music Frans Bauer and Mar­co Schuitmaker.
  10. In the Molen­straat Jannes, Saman­tha Steen­wijk, Vieze Jack and Yves Berendse are ready to let the audi­ence party!
  11. In Park Kro­nen­burg, sit­ting still is not an option with Ben­ny Rodrigues.
  12. Plein 1944 is back and this will be marked with ABBA Gold Europe, De Grote Karaōke Show and the Offi­cial Top-2000 band.
  13. Get a tick­et for the duo Nienke Dinge­mans & Jan van Bij­nen or The Amaz­ing Stroop­wafels in the Sint Jacob­skapel.
  14. At Smaak­markt there is a lot going on with Anoth­er Taste, Fro­day, Hon­ey Hon­ey and Parasól.
  15. Stad­sei­land Stek presents Babs, black­wave., De Baron, Gold­ki­mono and WIES.
    Get a tick­et quick­ly for the per­for­mances in the Stevenskerk, because you won’t miss Bongezi­we Maband­la, Dig­gy Dex and Fresku.
  16. Once again this year you will vis­it the lat­est gems in indie, pop, rock, met­al and singer-song­writer at Valkhof Fes­ti­val: Ana Fran­go Elet­ri­co, Bowl, Chalk, Dick Move, Droom Dit, 𝕰𝖇𝖇𝖇, GEO, Gitkin, Gly­ders, Isabel­la Lovesto­ry, Joe Unknown, Kneecap, Lord Apex, Lover­man, Melt­heads, O., Press Club, Rol­Rol­Rol, Sarah Julia, Ses­sa, Stasj, Will But­ler + Sis­ter Squares and Y Bayani & Baby Naa.

Het volledi­ge aan­bod bek­ijk je in ons pro­gram­ma en in de Vier­daagse­feesten app, waar je in die laat­ste vast je pro­gram­ma samen­stelt in het blokken­schema en deze deelt met je vrienden.

Saturday 13 to Friday 19 July 2024
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