12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
Placeholder for 14 07 2019 Valkhof Festival Laura van Gerven1114 07 2019 Valkhof Festival Laura van Gerven11


We are back to celebrate the largest event of the Netherlands with you: 12-18 July 2025, Vierdaagsefeesten in Nijmegen!

Placeholder for Schermafbeelding 2024 07 24 om 16 43 21Schermafbeelding 2024 07 24 om 16 43 21

Aftermovie Vierdaagsefeesten 2024

What, when, where?

After the opening of the Vierdaagsefeesten on Saturday, a big fireworks display will take place on the Waalkade on Sunday. On Wednesday, all of tolerant Nijmegen will turn pink, to emphasise our commitment to acceptance and diversity. On Friday there will be a closing ceremony together with the walkers of the Nijmegen International Four Day Marches. And, of course, lots more!

If you want to see it all, remember that a tour of all the podiums is approximately 7 km long. Good thing you’ve got seven days to do it.

Free entrance? Get a drink at the bar!

We take it for granted: every year we get to party and enjoy live shows at various locations during the Vierdaagsefeesten. The event, however, is expensive to organize. Obviously, the largest freely accessible event in the Netherlands does cost money. We earn a part of this money through the drinks that you buy at the bar! This income is used to pay artists, acts, equipment and décor, among other things. So if you make sure to buy a drink or two at the bar, we will take care of everything else. Deal? You pay a one-off sustainability surcharge of € 0.50 for your cup, and you return your empty cup with your next drink.

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Dis­claimer: some parts of the pro­gram are not freely accessible

For the large major­i­ty of shows, you don’t have to make a reser­va­tion or buy a tick­et. How­ev­er, there are a few exceptions:

Stevenskerk Live. Dur­ing the Vier­daagse­feesten, the Stevenskerk — which is locat­ed in the city cen­ter — will be home to some won­der­ful per­for­mances by renowned artists. You do, how­ev­er, need a tick­et for these shows. 

Clas­sic goes Under­ground. The low­est floor of park­ing garage Kelfken­bos will be trans­formed into a unique loca­tion for clas­si­cal music. From Sat­ur­day through Mon­day night between 20.0021.00, you can enjoy one of a kind clas­si­cal music con­certs here. Even though entrance is free, mak­ing a reser­va­tion ahead of time is required. 

Cel­e­brate the night. For those want­i­ng to par­ty until the sun comes up, it is impor­tant to know that many clubs and bars in Nijmegen do charge some sort of entrance fee. These fees will dif­fer per loca­tion. You may some­times even need a tick­et to be able to attend cer­tain par­ties, as is the case in for instance Doorn­roos­je or the Lin­den­berg. In oth­er clubs and bars, you often get charged an entrance fee at the door.

The pro­gram indi­cates for which parts you need a ticket.

Placeholder for Donderdag 4dfen2019 Hanenkamp CA1 9678Donderdag 4dfen2019 Hanenkamp CA1 9678

Follow Vierdaagsefeesten on Facebook & Instagram to stay up to date on recent developments and changes in the program.

Are you organizing something during the Vierdaagsefeesten, and would you like to make use of our corporate style? Send us an e-mail.

Coin­cid­ing with the Vier­daagse­feesten, from Tues­day to Fri­day, Nijmegen also wel­comes the Inter­na­tion­al 4Daagse. Dur­ing these days walk­ers can opt to walk 30, 40 or 50 km a day. Along the walk­ing routes that criss-cross the city cen­tre, the fes­tiv­i­ties pro­ceed in full swing. In fact, the fes­ti­val vis­i­tors enjoy cheer­ing the walk­ers on!

Vierdaagsefeesten 2025: 12 - 18 July! Save the date!
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