Jubilee edition with a golden lining
In 2019 we celebrated our 50th anniversary. With a fantastic vibe, an amazing programme, lots of visitors and perfect weather, we look back on a glorious jubilee.
The week startÂed off quiÂetÂly due to some rain on the SatÂurÂday afterÂnoon and slightÂly coolÂer weathÂer at the start of the week. With temÂperÂaÂtures between 20oC and 24oC, the weathÂer was just perÂfect for lisÂtenÂing to music. The visÂiÂtors took full advanÂtage of this opporÂtuÂniÂty and a surÂprisÂingÂly large numÂber of peoÂple came to the city espeÂcialÂly for the programme.
Not only the Valkhof FesÂtiÂval, which once again drew music fans from around the counÂtry and beyond, but also othÂer fesÂtiÂvals, like Otis Park, FesÂtiÂval op ​’t Eiland, SMKMÂRKT, de Kaaij, OerÂholÂlands Joris IvenÂsplein and Hennes Latin Stage, drew fans who came specifÂiÂcalÂly to see the acts perÂformed on the varÂiÂous podiums.
The largest event in the NetherÂlands drew nearÂly as many visÂiÂtors as last year. Spread over sevÂen days, approxÂiÂmateÂly 1,625,000 fesÂtiÂval visÂiÂtors came to Nijmegen city cenÂtre. The numÂber of visÂiÂtors to the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten conÂtinÂues to grow steadiÂly, keepÂing pace with the increase in numÂber of Dutch and Nijmegen citizens.
Relive the fun
The 50th ediÂtion of the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten gets off to a flyÂing start!
A great crowd at the fireÂworks disÂplay and popÂuÂlar music acts
Nijmegen heroes play a cenÂtral role on day 3 of the Vierdaagsefeesten
BigÂger crowds, but cleanÂer than ever!
Nijmegen embraces Pink WednesÂday, with open arms!
VierÂdaagseÂfeesten on ThursÂday: Back to the 90’s!
Jubilee ediÂtion with a goldÂen lining
We move in line with the ambitions and development of the city. We don’t have to get bigger, but we do want to become better and even more valuable.
The atmosÂphere in the city was great, and despite the large numÂber of visÂiÂtors there were relÂaÂtiveÂly few inciÂdents. The visÂiÂtors were evenÂly spread across the city. It was so amazÂing to see more than 200,000 peoÂple gathÂerÂing here every day, from all layÂers and age groups in sociÂety. PeoÂple who met ranÂdomÂly on the corÂner of the street, each on their way to their own favourite place, and shared an amazÂing experience.
With big names on the proÂgramme, Matrixx at the Park and Matrixx Live on the Quay were the most popÂuÂlar locaÂtions. For these popÂuÂlar venues, the police occaÂsionÂalÂly had to inform visÂiÂtors that the venue was ​‘Full’ via the digÂiÂtal inforÂmaÂtion panÂels. This also occurred on the popÂuÂlar FaberÂplein. The addiÂtion of the ​‘Rade aan de Kade’ podiÂum on the newÂly refurÂbished WaalkaÂde was also a great success.
The big FerÂris wheel was moved to a new locaÂtion at KelfkensÂbos, from where it towÂered even highÂer above the city, resultÂing in some amazÂing photographs.
The weathÂer was ideÂal for stimÂuÂlatÂing the appetite and a walk to the bar: many caterÂers reportÂed very posÂiÂtive sales. This was necÂesÂsary too: in order to remain a free event, the organÂiÂsaÂtion of the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten is depenÂdent on conÂsumer spendÂing to pay for itself.
RemarkÂably, the streets were even cleanÂer this year: thanks to the disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion of 25% more bin bags and an awareÂness camÂpaign, peoÂple left less rubÂbish on the streets. In comÂing years we will take furÂther steps to make the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten comÂpleteÂly cirÂcuÂlar and clean. TogethÂer, we are workÂing towards creÂatÂing a susÂtainÂable event, so future genÂerÂaÂtions can conÂtinÂue to enjoy this fanÂtasÂtic fesÂtiÂval. In othÂer words: ambiÂtions enough for the future!