13-19 juli 2024nijmegen

Visitors rate Vierdaagsefeesten with an average of 8.4!

Placeholder for 300dpi Vierdaagsefeesten 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 095 jpg300dpi Vierdaagsefeesten 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 095 jpg

Posted: 13 February 2023, 09:40 hour

The Nijmegen city coun­cil has com­mis­sioned an effect mea­sure­ment to assess what the Vier­daagse­feesten will mean for Nijmegen. 596 sur­veys were con­duct­ed dur­ing the 2022 Vier­daagse­feesten. Like the last com­pre­hen­sive vis­i­tor sur­vey in 2016, the fes­tiv­i­ties were rat­ed high­ly, with an aver­age report mark of 8.4. We are delight­ed with this appre­ci­a­tion and remain com­mit­ted to ensur­ing it is a great par­ty for everyone.

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Of those surveyed, 94% would visit the Vierdaagsefeesten again, and 95% would recommend their friends and acquaintances to come to the Vierdaagsefeesten. As many as 56% of visitors come from Nijmegen, and 9% from Nijmegen's neighbouring municipalities. The actual number of these may be slightly lower: because Nijmegen residents visit the festivals more often than non-Nijmegen residents, they are more likely to be surveyed. It is estimated that at least 2% of visitors come from abroad. On average, a Vierdaagsefeesten visitor comes to the festivities for 4 days, 15% even comes all days!

There are roughly equal numbers of male and female visitors. The average age of partygoers is 30. Most visitors (78%) to the Vierdaagsefeesten are between 18 and 34 years old, although visitors under 18 are not included in this survey. The majority (80%) are highly educated.

Of those surveyed, 81% have visited the parties before, and 19% were there for the first time. The main point for improvement indicated that people would like to see more toilets. We will do our best for this!

The Vier­daagse­feesten cre­ate an addi­tion­al spend­ing effect in Nijmegen of an esti­mat­ed almost €64 mil­lion. This fig­ure is based on an aver­age spend of €48.95, main­ly on food and/​or drinks. For this, we cal­cu­late with an esti­mat­ed vis­i­tor num­ber of 1.5 mil­lion vis­its over 7 days, giv­ing Nijmegen some 1.3 mil­lion extra vis­its com­pared to a reg­u­lar week.

At our request, the munic­i­pal­i­ty also had the over­lap between vis­i­tors to the 4Daagse and the Vier­daagse­feesten inves­ti­gat­ed. It turns out that 72% of those sur­veyed only vis­it the Vier­daagse­feesten. 12% also go to cheer along the route of the 4Daagse, and 10% wave the run­ners off after going out. 6% of our vis­i­tors both walk the 4Daagse and go to the Vierdaagsefeesten!

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The municipality also commissioned 908 surveys from visitors to the entry of the 4Daagse on the Via Gladiola. When asked whether they would continue to the 2022 Vierdaagsefeesten after the entry, 59% answered 'yes', and 15% did not yet know.

The Vierdaagsefeesten (like The 4Daagse) have a positive effect on Nijmegen's tourist appeal. More than half of visitors to the Vierdaagsefeesten who have never been to Nijmegen before or at most twice, plan to visit the city more often in the future. A large majority (61%) of partygoers have gained a more positive image of the city by visiting the festivals. A nice boost towards the 2023 Nijmegen Vierdaagsefeesten!

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