12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Complete program Vierdaagsefeesten 2023

Placeholder for Vierdaagsefeesten Koningsplein Tim KuipersVierdaagsefeesten Koningsplein Tim Kuipers

Posted: 01 June 2023, 09:53 hour

From Sat­ur­day 15 until Fri­day 21 July Nijmegen will turn back into the tem­po­rary cap­i­tal city of the Nether­lands: for 7 days 1,5 mil­lion vis­i­tors will enjoy the biggest event of the coun­try. The main pro­gram of over 45 stages is now complete.

Over 1000 acts can be found on the web­site or through the Vier­daagse­feesten app. To help vis­i­tors nav­i­gate through the com­pre­hen­sive pro­gram and its var­i­ous music gen­res, the high­lights are pre­sent­ed in 7 themes.

Today’s par­ty tracks

Look­ing for today’s hottest artists? Snolle­bollekes, Frans Bauer, Tino Mar­tin, Xan­der de Buison­jé, Henk Dis­sel, Robert Pouwels, Roy Don­ders and Stef Ekkel are added to the line­up of amongst oth­ers Matrixx Live aan de Kade, Molen­straat and Her­tog­plein. It was announced before that Flem­ming, Ch!pz, Frans Dui­jts, Ammar, John West, Jannes, John de Bev­er, Mar­co Schuit­mak­er and Wolter Kroes are staged here too. 

I love music

At Valkhof Fes­ti­val, the Stevenskerk and Smaak­markt you can find the best rock, pop and indie music. Sophie Straat, Ramkot, Robin Kester, Bum­ble B. Boy, Ronald Langes­traat and Jar­reau Van­dal have been added to the line­up, that already had Sef, Ele­phant, AnnekevanGiers­ber­gen, Luwten x B.O.X, Stephanie Stru­ijk, Chibi Ichi­go, ΣTEL­LA, Frankie and the Witch Fin­gers and Mar­gar­i­tas Podri­das on the list. 

Have a blast

Feel like danc­ing? Do exact­ly this to Bizzey, Jon­naFras­er, JoostvanBellen, Lucas&Steve, KrisKrossAms­ter­dam, Feestd­jRu­ud or at host­ings by Het Zus­je van Deb­bie, Cro­tona, Diskodip, Water­meloen, Orbit, Off the Grid and WTF. La Fuente, Paul Elstak, Out­siders, The Par­tysquad, Hap­py Feel­ings and Disko Disko were for­mal­ly announced at Matrixx at the Park, The Out­door Club, Stad­sei­land Stek and Park Kro­nen­burg, among oth­er places.


At places like The Kaaij, World Street Kitchen, Mar­iën­burg­plein, Valkhof Fes­ti­val and Stad­sei­land Stek you will be able to enjoy music from all over the world. Make sure to check out Amartey, Johan Bee, Bahram Kari­mi and sev­er­al DJs play­ing at Bora Bora, next to Ladani­va, BoomshakalakSoundsys­tem, Fies­taMacum­ba, Balka­no­vaOrches­tra, Kuu­natic, The Square Keys, Los Mous­tros,SuperNat­ur­alSelec­tion and RollingBeatMachine.

All time favourites

For the best cov­ers and clas­sics, head to Kelfkens­bos Fes­ti­val, Kon­ingsplein, Faber­plein, Grote Markt, Cred­i­ble and Rade aan de Kade. Mar­ti­jn Fis­ch­er, Dis­co Dad­dies, Karin Bloe­men, Saman­tha Steen­wijk and Sjieke Bazen are sched­uled to per­form, amidst great dance con­cepts and cover­bands. Gevel­con­cert, Bon­nie St. Claire, Imca Mari­na, Ron­nie Ruys­dael, Jack­fire and The Euros were announced earlier.


Look­ing for some­thing else to do? Join one of the city­tours through Nijmegen, a rollerdis­co, yoga, graf­fi­ti work­shop, skate + BMX work­shop, dis­co robics work­out, attend a read­ing by Suzan Smit or Rad­boud Reflects, expe­ri­ence a bloe­men­re­gen (flower show­er), lis­ten to spo­ken word by Mensen Zeggen Din­gen, abseil off of the Steven­storen, enjoy street the­atre, relax at Health & High­techlounge or vis­it a clas­si­cal con­cert at the park­ing garage. It is also pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence what it is like to vis­it the Vier­daagse­feesten with a visu­al impair­ment. Par­ty with­out any lim­its at Uniek Feesten and the Spe­cial Social club.


There is lots to do for the youngest vis­i­tors as well: like a kids’ cir­cus and -dis­co, hiphop- or the­ater­shows, pic­ture book yoga, build­ing sand cas­tles, run­ning the obsta­cle course,work­shops djem­bé or dancing.

Placeholder for Vierdaagsefeesten Smaakmarkt Peter BeijersVierdaagsefeesten Smaakmarkt Peter Beijers

More and more stages start early in the afternoon, so make sure you are at the city centre on time for a program that will entertain young and old. On Saturday afternoon the Vierdaagsefeesten are going to be opened officially, on no less than 22 stages at the same time! On Sunday night the traditional fireworks show takes place and on Wednesday the whole city turns pink, to celebrate the day of acceptance and diversity. After 00.30 o’clock (on Friday after 1.00 o’clock) the Vierdaagsefeesten will carry on inside several bars, cafes and clubs in Nijmegen. All stages at the Vierdaagsefeesten are accessible and free of charge, except for concerts at the Stevenskerk and Sint Jacobskapel, where you will need a ticket.


Fig­ure out your per­son­al route for the Vier­daagse­feesten using the app, where you can fil­ter the acts by genre. You are able to cre­ate your own home­page with your favourite stages and per­for­mances. Share this per­son­al timetable with your friends. Dur­ing the Vier­daagse­feesten you can use a crowd track­er on the map to find a qui­eter place when need­ed and to be updat­ed on the lat­est announcements.

Wrist bands

From the 21st of June there will be wrist bands avail­able through Vier​daagse​feesten​.nl, which will allow you access to all toi­lets at the fes­ti­val ground, in addi­tion to a fun, extra pro­gram every day, for only 10 euros. A Friend band, for € 36,- allows you to sup­port Vier­daagse­feesten and also means get­ting a dis­count on the merchandise.

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