12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Full programme announced

Placeholder for TDD04398TDD04398

Posted: 01 June 2022, 10:40 hour

After three years, we can final­ly cel­e­brate the most beau­ti­ful sev­en days of the year again. Over 40 stages are get­ting ready for the biggest event in the Nether­lands. The great atmos­phere that the event brings is not the only har­bin­ger: the pro­gram­ming of more than 1000 acts is more than diverse this year. The stages, includ­ing six new ones, are packed with a line-up of sev­en great themes.

Over one and a half mil­lion peo­ple will vis­it Nijmegen’s city cen­tre these sev­en days to enjoy the best-known hits of the moment, the finest clas­sics, new gems to be dis­cov­ered in all gen­res, elec­tron­ic dance, tech­no, dis­co and house music and music from all cor­ners of the world. 

Placeholder for Vierdaagsefeesten Live aan de Kade Joris BisschopsVierdaagsefeesten Live aan de Kade Joris Bisschops

The programme

Some of the most famous names on the programme are Snollebollekes, Antoon, Flemming, RonnieFlex, MartHoogkamer, Donnie, Bizzey, Boef, DouweBob, FrankBoeijen, Meau (sold out), FransDuijts, KrisKrossAmsterdam, Lucas & Steve, WolterKroes, TinoMartin, TimKnol, Jannes, FeestDJRuud and MentalTheo. These and many more artists can be found, among others, at Matrixx Live aan de Kade, Plein 1944, Faberplein, Hertogplein, Matrixx at the Park, Molenstraat, and Stevenskerk Live. In addition, good cover bands, party acts and DJs will ensure that you can sing along and dance to hits from the past to the present at many locations.

At Valkhof Festival, De Kaaij, Smaakmarkt and Ramblas, for example, there are many new names to discover for true music lovers in the genres of rock, pop, indie, singer-songwriter, stoner, jazz, Latin, garage, punk, or rock 'n roll. You can also let loose on electronic dance, techno or house music at the Four Days Festivities. On Wednesday, the city turns pink and the festival of acceptance and diversity is celebrated.


You can already map out your route and search by stages, themes and gen­res in our pro­gramme. Soon, we will also launch a new app on which you can save all your favourites and com­pile your own home­page accord­ing to your pref­er­ences. In addi­tion to the option of receiv­ing push noti­fi­ca­tions at the start of your favourite artists’ shows, it also keeps you up to date with the lat­est news. It will also be pos­si­ble to see on the map where it is less crowd­ed when it is busy and to choose a dif­fer­ent loca­tion yourself. 

The full pro­gramme is now avail­able on vier​daagse​feesten​.nl/​e​n​/​p​r​ogram

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