12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Good results cup system: 58% was fully recycled!

Placeholder for Beker VierdaagsefeestenBeker Vierdaagsefeesten

Posted: 09 February 2023, 14:01 hour

We are extreme­ly proud of this first result of 58%. A great com­pli­ment to all vis­i­tors and all entre­pre­neurs who have embraced the sys­tem, thank you! This rep­re­sents a huge step for­ward in reduc­ing our waste. After this first suc­cess, we hope for every­one’s coop­er­a­tion to get the per­cent­age of recy­cled cups even high­er next year.

Nev­er has a recy­cling sys­tem for soft cup cups been intro­duced on such a large scale. All our 46 venues and 124 ter­races par­tic­i­pat­ed in the same sys­tem, where vis­i­tors paid 50 cents extra on their first drink and could then exchange the used cup for a new one on their next order.

Placeholder for JWC03331 2 jpgJWC03331 2 jpg

The results

Collectively, 21,760 kilos of used plastic cups were collected separately behind the bar, which is 7 trucks full. The cups were processed into new raw material at the factory. From these granules, another 2.4 million new cups can be made.

In addition, about 15,000 kilos of plastic were extracted from residual and sweeping waste, about 40 per cent of the total. Through this post-separation, several more types of plastic and cans were filtered out, from which cups cannot be made again, but which can be processed into other applications, such as plastic buckets, for example.

That remaining two per cent? Those people probably took home or ended up in bins on their way home outside the permit area.

Placeholder for Infographic bekersysteemInfographic bekersysteem

Audi­ence reactions

Although there were vary­ing reac­tions before­hand, com­pli­ments were already rain­ing after the first day of the Four Day Fes­tiv­i­ties. Peo­ple great­ly appre­ci­at­ed that the city was so much clean­er. Inner city res­i­dents also expe­ri­enced less noise pol­lu­tion, as the creak­ing noise of walk­ing over piles of plas­tic had been great­ly reduced. An inde­pen­dent vis­i­tor mon­i­tors among almost 600 par­ty­go­ers showed that 81% of vis­i­tors were sat­is­fied with the new cup sys­tem. 72% of vis­i­tors said they thought 50 cents was an excel­lent amount for the cup.

The future

The 4Daagse also participated in the system last summer at start and finish site De Wedren and military camp Heumensoord. Both the Vierdaagsefeesten and De 4Daagse will continue with this system next year and continue to act jointly in this regard. It is also expected that visitors and bar staff will find it even easier next year because they are more familiar with the system.

According to laws and regulations, the percentage of fully recycled cups should reach 75% by 2024, after which it should increase by 5% each year. So, there is still some way to go to increase the percentage from 58. City entrepreneurs, 90% of whom are positive about introducing a shared cup system according to our survey, see plenty of areas for improvement for implementation, as do we ourselves. With additional separate collection at toilets and after the event at plaza exits, we hope to make it even easier for visitors next year. The argument that we are big, public, and complex is no reason for us not to work on sustainability. Last summer proved that the public really wants to participate in this. With their help and with all the experience of the past year, it should work in the future!

Placeholder for 300dpi Vierdaagsefeesten 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 032300dpi Vierdaagsefeesten 2022 Marcel Krijgsman 032
The biggest challenge is to make sure that even the last cup of the evening does not end up on the ground.
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