Boris van Meurs (Radboud Relfects) – Kan een goed klimaatverhaal ons redden?

If there is one problem that is complicated, it is climate change: how do you solve a problem that is so big and in which just about everything and everyone plays a role? Who should take which steps exactly and what are we actually fighting? Would we be better able to do what it takes if we had a clear climate story with a red line, real villains and heroes? Philosopher Boris van Meurs comes to the banks of the Waal to reflect on exactly this question: can a better climate story save us? On the one hand, such a clear story makes it easier to relate to the climate problem. But on the other hand, such a narrative simplifies reality. Do you really want to translate a problem surrounding planetary processes and large time scales into a fiction that can be understood by humans? What do we gain by approaching the climate in a 'narrative' way and what are we at risk of losing? Come and think along with philosopher Boris van Meurs about the sense and nonsense of a good climate story.
This is a lecture by Radboud Reflects. Radboud Reflects organizes lectures for everyone about philosophy, religion, ethics, society and culture. The (international) scientists who speak to us offer you an innovative and in-depth look at the big questions of our time.
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