13-19 juli 2024nijmegen

Bar de Regenboog Slotfeest

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The closing party of Bar de Rainbow will be provided by WagaStorm.

Get ready for the storm called WagaStorm! Non Stop Campy funen entertainment. GiGi, criZ10, Marsmellow, Victoria Diamond and Mr. E. Man, the Four Days Marches festivities 2023 pop out under the tunes of DJ duo TJ and ParisHiltonFan7!

Are you not ready to go home after all this musical violence? Inside we continue until 6:00.

Automatically translated by Google Translate from dutch

Location & stage

Placeholder for Regenboog Logo Rot Eind Nijm2021 ZWRegenboog Logo Rot Eind Nijm2021 ZW

De Regenboog

Bar de Regenboog has been known nationally as a party café for years. Guests can no longer be put…

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