12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
Deepen Stadseiland Stek - Stadseiland Stek - Skatepark Sat 13 Jul 14:00 - 20:00 Sun 14 Jul 14:00 - 20:00 Mon 15 Jul 15:00 - 20:00 Tue 16 Jul 14:00 - 20:00 Wed 17 Jul 14:00 - 20:00 Thu 18 Jul 14:00 - 20:00 Fri 19 Jul 14:00 - 23:00

Waalhalla Skatepark

Placeholder for Stek 20230721 Paul Wijsen 2048px CLEAN 131Stek 20230721 Paul Wijsen 2048px CLEAN 131

After a successful first edition, Waalhalla is back on Stadseiland Stek this year. During the day it will be bustling with families where young people can show off their skills in sporting and creative workshops. In the evening, Stadseiland Stek will also be transformed into a Waalhalla of local DJs and concepts.

Waalhalla wouldn't be Waalhalla without a skate park! With a mini ramp and a pump track, crazy stunts will be performed by professional athletes all afternoon. The rest of the day there are free BMX and Skimboard workshops for young and old. During these workshops you will learn the basic techniques and some tricks. After the workshop it is possible to practice freely. There is a 27 meter long skimboard track, so don't forget your swimwear!


Saturday July 13
4:00 PM: official opening of the stunt show
5:30 PM: Craft workshop
5:30 PM: BMX airbag workshop
5:30 PM: Skimboard workshop (in nice weather)
5:30 PM: Graffiti workshop

Sunday July 14th
3:00 PM: Craft workshop
3:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
3:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
3:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
5:00 PM: Craft workshop
5:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
5:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
5:00 PM: Graffiti workshop

Monday July 15
3:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
3:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
5:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
5:00 PM: Graffiti workshop

Tuesday, July 16
3:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
3:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
5:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
5:00 PM: Graffiti workshop

Wednesday July 17
3:00 PM: Craft workshop
3:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
3:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
3:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
5:00 PM: Craft workshop
5:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
5:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
5:00 PM: Graffiti workshop

Thursday July 18
3:00 PM: Craft workshop
3:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
3:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
3:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
5:00 PM: Craft workshop
5:00 PM: BMX airbag workshop
5:00 PM: Skimboard workshop (if the weather is nice)
5:00 PM: Graffiti workshop
7:00 PM: Skateboard miniramp contest

Friday July 19th
10:00 PM official closing stunt show

Automatically translated by Google Translate from dutch


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Stadseiland Stek - Skatepark

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