12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Rob Sweere - EYELEVEL

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When was the last time you really came face to face with a work of art? Research shows that we only look at a work of art for a few seconds. Our eyes quickly glide over a painting and then focus again on the image next to it. Isn't there much more to discover if you look at a drawing, installation or photo for longer? Take a seat in the mobile installation EYELEVEL, designed by Rob Sweere, for a 1 on 1 encounter with a work of art. All that is present is you, the work and a headset. In an audio voice-over, a well-known Nijmegen resident takes you into his/her personal experience of various works of art by recent ArtEZ graduates in Arnhem. A physical experience that refreshes your senses and hopefully surprises your view of art.

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