13-19 juli 2024nijmegen


Placeholder for RejectedRejected

Back to your early days with Rejected. This band blasts out the bangers and wrong hits from the ninety's and zero's at a rapid pace. Hits from later times are also featured. "Building a party!" is the motto of the 4 boys from Nijmegen. They have played regularly at student parties and festivals for the past 10 years. And now for the first time during the Nijmegen Vierdaagsefeesten, a home game!

In this hour and a half everything that can be danced and sing along will pass. So come along, brace your throat and be prepared for an old-fashioned party.

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Location & stage

Placeholder for Ramblas logo witRamblas logo wit


Experience unforgettable and relaxing moments during the Vierdaagsefeesten on the Van Schaeck…

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