13-19 juli 2024nijmegen

Pluto 34

Placeholder for Pluto34Pluto34

Pluto 34 is being created at Plutostraat 34 in Nijmegen. A cross-sectional student house where the necessary drinks, late hours, fun and above all music fill the days and where a combination of these facets creates the name Pluto 34. It is in that place where the first jam sessions took place and the foundation of the band was laid by Pim, Niels, Sil and resident of the house Jerry. With newest addition Rik Hulzink on bass, the band has been doing very well for quite some time now, based on a good dose of fun, fanaticism and musicality.

Pluto 34 is not a standard cover band with the usual repertoire, but a fun, fresh and sympathetic band with covers in a different way in the genre pop, soul, funk, reggae and blues. At Van Ouds we call this the 'Pluto 34 sauce'. Also our favorite sauce!

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