13-19 juli 2024nijmegen
Placeholder for 17 07 2021 Broeder Dieleman Stevenskerk Live Vierdaagsefeesten Willem Melssen 817 07 2021 Broeder Dieleman Stevenskerk Live Vierdaagsefeesten Willem Melssen 8


Placeholder for STE 21119 Logo outline DIAP WTKSTE 21119 Logo outline DIAP WTK
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The Stevenskerk is the oldest and largest church in Nijmegen, located on the Grote Markt. During the Vierdaagsefeesten you can enjoy special, intimate performances by leading artists, programmed by Doornroosje. In the hushed acoustics of the church, that soul singer, pop band or singer-songwriter gets just that little extra, so that the music hits you twice as hard. The Gelderland South Library provides stillness and deepening during the day with Schrijvers in the Stevenskerk. In addition, you can even abseil from the Stevenstoren!

Program Stevenskerk

4 performances


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