13-19 juli 2024nijmegen

Huub & Henk!

Placeholder for Huub en henkHuub en henk

The experience splashes off the stage when Huub & Henk play one cracker after the other.

Due to his comical approach, Toon knows how to involve every audience in the performance. Would you rather be left alone... well, you can!

Musically, the H's turn their hand for little: fifties rock'n'roll by Bill Haley and Chuck Berry, the sixties with Jimi Hendrix, CCR and the Stones, seventies, nice blues, sultry ballads, country, soul... ... and if you want a corny schlager or heartthrob. No, you don't have to: it's possible!

But it's always real. Nothing out of a box. Huub & Henk provide old-fashioned good, handmade live music everywhere and always!

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