12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
Van Ouds Wed 19 Jul 15:00 - 16:00 Wed 19 Jul 17:00 - 18:00

Hot Stuff

Placeholder for Hot Stuff Hotel Credible2023 foto Roel KrabbenHot Stuff Hotel Credible2023 foto Roel Krabben

Hot Stuff is an 8 piece band from the Achterhoek, all with a passion for music. Playing disco, motown and soul music makes us very happy and we hope you do too. With groovy bass lines and a wonderful party of horns we really make it a party. Hotstuff is a cover band So warm up your hips and do some stretching exercises beforehand because standing still to our music is almost impossible. We are also not liable for worn shoes and sore throats.

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Location & stage

Placeholder for Vanouds Ecru Wit Logo 01Vanouds Ecru Wit Logo 01

Van Ouds

At Van Ouds, the live bands and guilty pleasures swing by with kneiters of hits that you actually…

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