Het Zusje van Debbie
After two four-day festival-free summers, Debbie's sister can't wait to celebrate the most beautiful week of the year in a big way. Traditionally, they make the crossing on the first day and kick off the Vierdaagsefeesten at Festival op 't Eiland. That will be another evening of atmospheric dancing with the setting sun on one side, the skyline of Nijmegen on the other side and the sand between your toes. The Sister of Debbie is in charge of the entire Island area this Saturday evening and there is plenty to do. So grab that bike, descend the bridge, kick off your shoes, get your beer and you're baked for the rest of the evening. There's no better way to start your Four Days Marches week, we thought!
Casbah is playing on the Strand: expect the typical Zusje van Debbie sound here.
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Have a blast
At the Vierdaagsefeesten you can go all out, anywhere and in your own way. Do you like 80+ beats…