Gebroeders Ko

Brothers Ton and Gerard Koopmans together form the party act Gebroeders Ko and can throw a party like no other.
For many years they have been the most successful party act in the Netherlands with more than 40 Top 100 hits, including 'Ik Heb Een Toeter Op M'n Waterscooter', 'Boten Anna', 'Schatje Mag Ik Je Foto', 'De Blauwe Stier' and 'Helicopter' classics. With many performances per year and TV appearances at home and abroad, they have become an indispensable part of the party circuit. In 2017 they celebrate their 20th anniversary as an artist and still have plenty of plans for the future. Together with Gerard Joling they made the 2018 carnival hit 'Daughter Van De Groenteboer'. Party bosses The Ko Brothers know better than anyone how to create atmosphere in the tent: so Gas Gas Gas Op Die Lollie! Ko Brothers = Maximum Party Guarantee in the Molenstraat these Four Days Marches!

Today's party tracks
Do you keep an eye on all the charts and are you looking for the most famous A-artists? Then…
Location & stage

The Molenstraat stands for fun, diversity and fun performances! During the Vierdaagsefeesten, the…