12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
Placeholder for Leroy ReyLeroy Rey

House, Hip Hop, Disco, Funk, Soul and Boogie. You name it. A good ending remains in the memory for quite some time. With BCKYRD you can look forward to this with peace of mind. Leroy Rey & J-Flava are coming to perform, so it is guaranteed that we will end the week dancing. If you are on your last legs by this time, BCKYRD will bring your energy levels back up.

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Placeholder for Themauit je plaatThemauit je plaat

Have a blast

At the Vierdaagsefeesten you can go all out, anywhere and in your own way. Do you like 80+ beats…

Location & stage

Placeholder for Smaakmarkt logo witSmaakmarkt logo wit

Smaakmarkt - Het Labyrinth

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