13-19 juli 2024nijmegen
Placeholder for Arty n G Ga Q Hq T4 Q unsplash 1Arty n G Ga Q Hq T4 Q unsplash 1

Step into the enchanting world of Bachata with this Bachata Passion workshop. Experience the sensual and romantic atmosphere of the Caribbean dance culture while learning the art of the bachata. Stepping from the first base and turning the first. Our talented dance instructors are ready to guide you, regardless of your dance experience. Whether you are a beginner or already experienced, this workshop is suitable for everyone. Come and discover the passion of the bachata dance.

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Placeholder for 8 verdieping8 verdieping


Looking for peace and space? Concerts at special locations? Stimulate your curiosity? Theater and…

Location & stage

Placeholder for Vierdaagsefeesten logo witVierdaagsefeesten logo wit

Stadseiland Stek - Playa Waalzicht

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