12-18 juli 2025nijmegen

Zusje van Debbie

Placeholder for Fotos ZVDVNIII Elske Nissen 70Fotos ZVDVNIII Elske Nissen 70

An Island without Debbie's Sister is actually unthinkable, and so Debbie's Sister kicks off the Four Days Marches on Stadseiland Stek again! That will be another evening of atmospheric dancing with the setting sun on one side, the Nijmegen skyline on the other and the sand between your toes. You can immerse yourself in the best dance music on several stages and there is plenty to discover and experience. So grab that bike, descend the bridge, kick off your shoes, get your beer and you're set for the rest of the evening. We thought there was no better way to start your Four Days Marches week!

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Placeholder for Themauit je plaatThemauit je plaat

Have a blast

At the Vierdaagsefeesten you can go all out, anywhere and in your own way. Do you like 80+ beats…

Location & stage

Placeholder for Vierdaagsefeesten logo witVierdaagsefeesten logo wit

Stadseiland Stek - Waalhalla

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