13-19 juli 2024nijmegen

Radje voor de Sfeer

Placeholder for Radje Voor De SfeerRadje Voor De Sfeer

The nicest party team in the Netherlands is coming back to the Molenstraat: RADJE FOR THE ATMOSPHERE!

The Rad Der Deuntjes is being dusted off to turn the Molenstraat upside down with a spin of the wheel every 10 minutes for a new genre! We go from Aprés Ski to twerking and from Dutch to Classics. Will you come and give the wheel a spin?

Automatically translated by Google Translate from dutch

Location & stage

Placeholder for Logo Molenstraat witLogo Molenstraat wit


The Molenstraat stands for fun, diversity and fun performances! During the Vierdaagsefeesten, the…

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