Basband met Bastiaan Ragas

Bas Ragas blows everything away!
Together with his BASBAND, this is the new live sensation. An evening-filling program in which the greatest hits are presented in a fantastic way. The next day: lost voice from singing along, muscle pain from dancing, but a richer memory of an amazing evening with this wonderful band.
Bastiaan Ragas is an all-rounder. Known for TV programs, musicals (Aida, 3 Musketeers), but of course also as the lead singer of the world famous boy band “Caught in the Act”. All these talents come in handy, because in addition to singing, he can also present the evening. And so the band is the common thread at every event.
Location & stage

Faberplein offers a mix of recognizable all-round party music for a wide audience of all ages…